FacDat (MS Access App)
Sandi developed this system from the ground up utilizing the Full SDLC (System Development Lifecycle). It is an MS Access VBA application, which consolidates and automates several record-keeping systems.
NFC Secret Message
This is an Android app that writes to an NFC tag. You can view the actual app(s), or a prototype to view the actual screenshots now - but in the prototype, both 2012 and 2015 versions are merged together.
Worlds Best Golf Club Prices
This is an ASP Classic database lookup site which was live back in 2002. It utilizes ASP Classic programming with CSS, Hard Coded HTML, Javascript and VbScript.
NFC Secret Message
This is an Android app that writes to an NFC tag. You can view the actual app(s), or a prototype to view the actual screenshots now - but in the prototype, both 2012 and 2015 versions are merged together.
Access Database Matrix
This is a cataloging tool built in MS Access 2010. It was useful in logging specs on applications which were in use all over the enterprise.
Other Android Work
Hi have been working on a number of other Android apps. You can learn more about them by clicking....
C.A.R.S. Survey Service
This complex ASP Classic / VbScript application tracked data for 100's of thousands of customers and vehicles, helping dealerships to give great service to their clients.
NFC Secret Message
This is an Android app that writes to an NFC tag. You can view the actual app(s), or a prototype to view the actual screenshots now - but in the prototype, both 2012 and 2015 versions are merged together.
LadySword Android Demo...
This is a simple application to demonstrate some features and techniques in Android Java development. (Java for Android, SQLite, Responsive Web Techniques, PhoneGap/Cordova, JQuery Mobile, Eclipse, HTML5, and CSS3)
Shumebocs (Android)
This is a mobile app that Sandi Laufenberg upgraded. Sandi upgraded both the native Android, and the native iOS version.
Mobile-Ready Web Sites
Sandi has been building mobile-ready sites for 5 years & web sites for more than 7 years. This very site you are viewing is mobile ready. Just make this window more narrow and watch it adjust itself to the size of the screen!
Shumebocs (iPhone & iPad)
This is a mobile app that Sandi Laufenberg upgraded. Sandi upgraded both the native Android, and the native iOS version.