LS Database Control Panel is a code module designed to view the contents of a mobile app's databases.
It's something I have created from scratch using jQuery Mobile 1.4.5. I havn't finished it off yet as I have been very busy with work and life. But it wouldn't take much work to make it into a really nice starter piece that could be helpful to other programmers.
This is a hybrid mobile app I created using...
~ SQLite
~ Cordova
~ CSS3
~ Javascript
~ jQuery Mobile
~ Cordova SQLite Extension (Litehelpers)
It's purpose is to be a generic Database Control Panel starter code / add-on module for many hybrid mobile apps.
* LIST ALL USERS - The best part of this app (I think so, anyway. ;-) )
To view it...
1. Tap USERS in the main menu
3. Scroll down below the ADD USER form
4. Tap LIST ALL USERS button
5. Tap a user to open a drop-down profile for that user (This was working before, but something got broke during a recent transition. I hope to fix this ASAP.)
* SHOWS CURRENT TABLES in your internal SQLite database.
* CREATES DATABASE on first time use. It also pre-populates the database with starter data.
* ADD USER FORM is not yet working, but the frame for the form is here.
* DEVELOP ONCE - DEPLOY TO iOS and ANDROD. This is "HYBRID CODE", therefore, you can code it one time - but deploy it to multiple platforms - such as iOS and Android!
Download an Android demo of this app.
Note: iOS demo app is not yet available.
GitLab Repository for this app / module.
This article is duplicated at # 222 and maybe more
Article ID: 220